CultuRAIL Stations restoring Pheonix's Union Station building as the gathering point of the city and state
visualizing growing urbanism visualizing a shift of aesthetics over minimized negative impact to maximized positive material impact
Creation of Midas bringing unexpected light and excitement on an extremely low budget
novel shading systems creating new interactions between viewer, views and viewed
Clusterf*ck designing new publically accessible infrastructure for air pollution control
pareidolia in the park an object in a field
New Orleans Dance Academy blending warehouse and tower contexts through the study of tension in dance duets
carbon cycle city how can architecture leverage the infrastructure of global solutions to create local amenities?
acid wash an exploration of a shift from form to image based design.
50 Shades – consulting assisting on a study of annotation, composition and reading
transcending transparency scratching the surface of cnc milled glass research
NOLA Diagrams visualizing the precarious state of one of the most vibrant cities in the world
Urban Agropucture applying CLT research to the Lower Ninth of New Orleans